Covid Recovery

Covid Recovery
November 13, 2020 Andre Hagan
In History

As predicted, once the Covid 19 travel restrictions were lifted, the Klein Karoo has become a massively popular destination for all those suffering from cabin fever. We have certainly seen a huge influx of enquires and bookings since the announcement that leisure travel would be allowed within Provinces, and we are so very grateful to be back in business.

To comply with Covid 19 cleaning regulations, we’ve had to adapt to a new normal. For the foreseeable future we’ll only be accepting 2 night minimum stays. We’ll also be marking many after stay days as unavailable to the public, in order to facilitate the exhaustive cleaning regime. We firmly believe that we’re allocating enough time for cottages to be fully aired and sanitized, so that guests can use our facilities with confidence.

Over and above the cleaning regulations, we’ll also be complying with the strict rules regarding social distancing and mask wearing.

We pride ourselves on our award winning service, but unfortunately have been forced to limit our interaction with guests, which has always been a hall mark of our exemplary Wolverfontein experience.  We are confident that your enjoyment of your visit with us will continue, as we continue to strive to provide you with the greatest of comfort and quality service.

The Wolverfontein Manor House turns 130 years old this year, but Covid 19 will not have been its first brush with all things pandemic. From February 1918 to April 1920, Wolverfontein bore witness to the Spanish Flu. If it could survive that history, it will certainly overcome our present situation.
We look forward to seeing you all in the coming few months at Wolverfontein, where there will always be room to breath.


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